Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Do you mind!?!

I don't mind 'over coming' with TC, not at all. The Failure I make reference to (on the other blog) is of a different variety. The thing about work is just that its kind of mono-maniacal (no variation) I really need a mix, and the victories we're having are kind of, well, small right now. I can pray for new hardware, but the lack of clear/articulated meaning of events and circumstances (hey they may be too busy to even know/find out) is an (anti) selling point.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Its no sure thing that the time will come, but if I get a chance there are all kind of things worth discussion of. Frankly driving leads to protracted "shop talk." Which I would only have more time for if it were productive talk... writing things down however gives a chance to "freeze" the conversation, that means more productive communication in the long run. so here's a few things I don't hear much on, or much that is of lasting impact...

The consent decree (now repealed? or is there more than one?)
the rude and rough radio - and loose antenna connectors
common problems - paddle catch up, rush hour and "re loss"
Things I frequently need to communicate (mostly to riders) across the Spanish language barrier
ways to avoid vehicle heating (over heating) - with fuel economy
whats worth packing in your bag for a day of driving
Vehicle inspection tips, tricks, etc... and how 'common knowledge' is to every ones advantage.
and much much more...

useful fact

Try code 3FA - for "Studio City" on RTE 167. Its an alternate to 'Coldwater Canyon & Ventura BL' which occasionally doesn't work in certain vehicles... I've experienced difficulty with the 8FC code for that destination more than once.

think or feel or both

A certain coworker says to me BOLDLY (and his boldness was not a problem) "stop thinking" (he didn't mean don't think, more likely "don't think so/too much." We talked about how there are some problems around that aren't solved by thought, and some that just aren't all that solvable... Later on I thought... ok well yes 'don't think.' But the problems aren't thinking related. I (and others) have a whole lot of FeElInGs. I mean if it were thinking, then there would be a two part strategy... (1 correct foundation errors - presuppositions 2 correct reasoning errors - thoughts) but to be unfeeling isn't really it, is it? Feelings produce motivations, inhibitions, focus and the like... We're not boxes with software or oil to be changed are we... people are unique and complex - every one of them. That's what makes other work duties a pain, the people are actually the good stuff, the other stuff needs to be stream lined so that the really difficult issues can be addressed with the balance of the time... (OK that's a pretty people centered business model, not everybody will be happy that way, BUT AGAIN people are unique!!)

give it the old college try

So in January, I had submitted in writing that I intended to reduce my hours. A fellow had offered up in his charisma that I could change the work schedule just so and still work full time. ah well, no objection to the try. Its admirable that he would make the effort... my objective is to become well rounded and the current scheme is making me round about the stomach, but some other parts of me aren't taking on a desirable shape...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

the real problem...

There's trouble figuring out 'whats wrong' at work. well I'm not God. So ask Him. but the hardware, as bad as it is. (and it is terribly detrimental to driver morale) the hardware is not a reasonable target for blame. (I ask you, what's blame going to solve at all - in the first place) If people want to have a clear conscience, dump blame and adopt responsibility and a near sibling repentance. No the problem isn't the vehicles. But the poor communication that could be a real source of a number of the problems. Not just inter-personally, but on the inspection documents. Drivers can't claim they are honest/good communicators if they won't even write enough detail for the problems to be addressed. "yes its all good" is not a truthful answer, not from where I 'm sitt'n...

basically - tips on understanding me

Its been apparent for some time that somebody (or somebodies) would like me to take the label arrogant. Probably, so to discredit me, so what I think or say can be disregarded. Ok N.P. it may even stick for a while. Whats less commonly understood is how bad off I was when Jesus found me, and how much Christ did for me, that is to save me. Folks want me to do this or that, but grasp at straws... Once you see (from the scriptures) what Christ did to save us, all others pale. Oh won't cooperation xyz take good care of me? Oh doesn't this out fit have great benefits... er can they deliver my soul? never mind. Can ya go without employ? no. but there are a lot of arrangements that pass for employment.

whats worse is the expectation that one will degrade and ruin ones self, rather than grooming, mortifying, and otherwise preparing to be a gift for (& to) God. (or any future relationship for the sake of example)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Easy solution

So the EZ riders we drive by Eldorado National have bad power problems. Its apparent that (they are CNG - Propane powered) the catalytic converters (and exhaust system part) are so old that they are causing back pressure. The loss of power is huge, troublesome and frequently unsafe.
So the fact that the problem goes on unaddressed is more trouble some, but I had some thoughts on the subject. I was thinking, in light of the fact that the converters aren't working in the first place... (what would it take to prove that) what would the cost be, I'm assuming replacement cost is prohibitive... what would a straight pipe, or a muffler cost?
If one has to spend the whole day in such a vehicle it begins to look attractive to take some action to address the problem.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

2 (or so) points

Just like there are different kinds of vehicles there are different kinds of drivers. In FACT I have confidence there are far more diverse kinds of drivers than of vehicles.

Point #2 - Philippians 3:3 - no confidence in the flesh...

Friday, February 2, 2007

ouch, yet a again...

Well I lived (And that's nearly all I can say) through another 9+ hour shift at this place. And yet again it ended with torment and upset. Let me say that things when so badly at the end of route the last two or three Fridays that today I was pretty nervous about something that didn't happen., The torment happened because I expressed my concerns that it might and I won't say a lot more. Not say'n I couldn't but I'd rather just dump these folks than let my faithful service continue to receive abuse... why am I the fool? Because Jesus was for me. The bad news is, one day Jesus will be the fool no more (actually HE never was and isn't now, just very very patient)... but that is to say, this being temporary I can endure a little longer because I see His example of long suffering. as for the circumstances at work...
'making serving the needy and helpless as difficult and excruciating as possible...very nearly not worth the effort."