Saturday, February 17, 2007

think or feel or both

A certain coworker says to me BOLDLY (and his boldness was not a problem) "stop thinking" (he didn't mean don't think, more likely "don't think so/too much." We talked about how there are some problems around that aren't solved by thought, and some that just aren't all that solvable... Later on I thought... ok well yes 'don't think.' But the problems aren't thinking related. I (and others) have a whole lot of FeElInGs. I mean if it were thinking, then there would be a two part strategy... (1 correct foundation errors - presuppositions 2 correct reasoning errors - thoughts) but to be unfeeling isn't really it, is it? Feelings produce motivations, inhibitions, focus and the like... We're not boxes with software or oil to be changed are we... people are unique and complex - every one of them. That's what makes other work duties a pain, the people are actually the good stuff, the other stuff needs to be stream lined so that the really difficult issues can be addressed with the balance of the time... (OK that's a pretty people centered business model, not everybody will be happy that way, BUT AGAIN people are unique!!)

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